Postpartum Depression Campaign
Through graphic design, this project aims to help new moms better understand postpartum depression, encourage their partners’ support, and ultimately contributing to make a positive difference in the mental health and well-being of mothers experiencing postpartum depression.
How can I educate new mom with the risks of
having postpartum depression?
According to research, most new moms have limited knowledge about postpartum depression. I'd like to prepare new
moms with solid knowledge about postpartum depression including symptoms, risks, causes, and how to deal with it, so that they’ll be able to identify it in time, and seek for proper help.
Visual Thinking


Logo Development
logo development with type experiment and iconography.

Campaign Assets
01 Exhibition
What's Bothering My Pregnant Partner?
Event Purpose
The purpose of this exhibition is to showcase stories of people who had experience with postpartum depression and guide the partners of pregnant individuals to understand what postpartum depression is and how could it affect the pregnant individuals.
02 Mobile App
Postpartum Partners
An App for Better Communication
The purpose of this app is to help better communicate pregnancy topics between the parents. It will also offer educational materials for partners of pregnant individuals, help them with engaging more during the entire pregnancy, keeping track of the pregnant individuals’ mood and behavior, and learning more knowledge about the postpartum experience. With participating more during the pregnancy, the pregnant individuals could also feel that their partners are supporting them more, so that could potentially prevent the occurrence of postpartum depression.